... Learning To Let Go ...

I am sitting in my kitchen table, having the first coffee of the day, my legs crossed up on the chair. My little brother is currently sleeping on the sofa next to me, breathing loud. It is hot, and I have my window open with the blinds closed but I can see the sun peeking through the gaps. I am very aware of my present at this very moment and I can see my plants with my peripheral vision, I can hear the birds outside my window and the soft music from my laptop.
I woke up thinking all the new year’s resolutions that I have done, the things that throughout the year I said I want to do, the things that I stressed over. Then I started thinking about my holidays, how quickly they finished and how much I missed spending time with my partner and friends, doing the things that I love and listening more to my body and its needs. How I felt that I didn’t live my holidays to the fullest and I wasted time on feelings that I didn’t want to have. How I should have put my ego aside quicker and have that discussion sooner because I felt so relieved afterwards.
I slowly have come to realization that I want to let go of certain things that I thought were important to me or were a part of me. Let go of the habits and people that only bring negativity in my life. Let go of the things that I thought I wanted but ended up realizing that I was working for someone else’s dream.
I can already see the changes. Letting go of all the negativity in my life is not easy, and I have only done a fraction of the work, because it starts from within. You need that deep look in the mirror and the long talks with yourself to determine what it is that pulls you down.  
And the truth is so redeeming. All you ever were, are and will be, has been in the dark and little by little you pour your light onto it. And suddenly it all makes sense, and although you still have no idea what your path is, you feel stronger than ever. Because you just realized that the only person that you can control is you, and you are pretty damn strong. You now know, there are no wrong choices, no wrong paths or turns. When you leave space in your soul to embrace the good as well as the bad in your life and live your every moment being present, understand your why, the reason behind your every action and reaction you will start realizing that getting frustrated or sad is consuming so much more energy out of you.
Letting go is a long and difficult process, but as someone who has only seen a fraction of change, I can tell you that is worth it. I am the best person I know, and I think its about time that I become my best friend. 
Let go of the things that you know are bringing you down, the people that you love but they bring negative energy in your life and the guilt you feel for someone else’s life choices.
Let go of the guilt that is not yours, the anger that is not yours the sorrow that is not yours. Start living your life and have the feelings that you want to have, find your purpose and your intentions in everything that you do. Do you, cause you’re pretty awesome…

Thanks for being here!
See you soon!

Where else you can find me

Twitter – KateAn @KateAn_KateAn
Facebook – KateAn @Kate.An.Kate.An
Instagram – KateAn @An_Kate_An


  1. Hearing the birds outside in the morning is wonderful. I love that. Kudos to you for having done some of your resolutions. Wow, you did a lot of reflecting! Reading this is almost like a therapy session (thank you).
    I love that outfit! Your black top and polka-dotted white shots look fabulous together. You look great!


    1. Glad it helped you! thank you for your kind words!


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