... Resolutions ...

I think it is important to set goals in our lives and challenge ourselves. And as Sean Connery said,
“There’s always a new challenge to keep you motivated”.
That right there, is why.
Why we give ourselves new tasks and tick boxes, why we constantly keep challenging ourselves with new goals and resolutions.
My goals change a lot and my resolutions shift from month to month but that’s ok, because what I found out about me, is that by doing this I don’t stay put and get comfortable in my life, but I keep myself motivated to go and be the best version of me.
Below are my resolutions for the year of 2018.

·      Improve my time management.

I have made a bunch of lists already as well as detailed planners that section my life and you can find more details about them in the Plan Your Life post on the blog.

·      Be vegetarian.

Now this is something that has been troubling me in the year of 2017 quite a lot.  I aim to gradually reduce the amount of meat products that I consume and replace that with soya meat and tofu so expect more cooking posts in the near future.
The reason behind this decision is quite extensive and I will be making a full post about the reasons that guided me to this life choice.

·      Spend time with my family and my friends.

For those of you that doesn’t know it I only moved in UK in 2016 January 8.
It’s been two years and although I am not regretting my decision at all, I do find myself to be left out at times and it is easy to lose touch with people when everyday life strikes.
So, this year my goal is to get one day of the week and call all my close friends and family and catch up with them.

·      Travel.

I believe my life purpose is to travel the world. It has been something I have been wanting to do since I was a kid and I have always been curious of other cultures and lifestyles. So, travel is always in my mind and my heart.

·      Be optimistic.

Now although I tried my best to stay as much positive as I could in 2017, this year has been so rough on me that I often found myself broken and in need to recalibrate myself and my feelings.
I had to make a lot of changes in my life and I can say with safety that I’m not done yet, but I really feel that in 2018 I need to settle down and gather myself together again, so I can be prepared for my future adventures.

·      Workout three times a week.

I was never too much into exercising, not even as a kid. I never liked running and despite my fathers attempts to push me towards sports – aka basketball and volleyball- I persistently refused to take initiative.
So, this is a new thing for me and the last 7 months I’ve been into the whole fit lifestyle kind of thing I have seen my body changing in ways I didn’t expect. I feel much better in myself and that’s why it is something I want to do more on a regular basis.

·      Read one book per month.

I am looking at my bookshelf and I see about a dozen books that I bought and really want to read but I just never made the time to read them. With my time management resolution, I am hoping to get one book every month, twelve books in a year so that will then leave me with no books left to read, bought in the year of 2017.

These where my resolutions for 2018 or until I update my list.
I hope that this year will be beneficial for all of you and that you will have a lot of moments in your year and remember as Jim Elliot quoted,
“Wherever you are, be all there”

Happy new year!

Where else you can find me

Twitter – KateAn @KateAn_KateAn
Facebook – KateAn @Kate.An.Kate.An
Instagram – KateAn @An_Kate_An


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