... Plan Your Life ...

I am the sort of person that makes lists about everything. I remember seeing my mum when I was younger, and she would always write down her chores and her expenses and have notebooks for everything.

My mom is super organised, I wasn’t.

That was until I started making lists and planning my life, and that’s when I finally understood why my mom was always so fuzzy about her books and making sure she was ticking all the boxes in her to-do list.

It’s called adulting, being responsible and yes, sometimes it sucks but it’s your choice to make it a chore or a fun task.

I decided that I want to do the later and I have to say ticking boxes and having everything in order is a somewhat satisfying feeling for my other disorientated and unorganised soul.

The first step to planning your life is obviously getting a planner or a notebook.
Make sure it is one that fits your needs and that it helps you keep everything in place. 

Below I have a few of my planners and notebooks and I explain how you can keep everything in place and make sure that your life is a bit more organised so that when things get a bit busier you know you can always take a look at your lists and see what you can change to de-clutter your life.

Life planner

This planner consists of all the "to-dos" in your day.

I opted for a weekly one because I like to make plans only for the upcoming week and not more than that as I find it too overwhelming. 

My notebook has another section in the front which has a monthly planner and there I make sure to write all the important dates and things I must do in the month, but it doesn’t matter when as long as I do it within the month I have scheduled it for.

Work planner

Here is where I keep everything related to my blog.

I schedule the writing and the editing dates, when I need to take pictures and anything that I need to do to make sure my posts are up to date and how I want them.

Blog ideas

This is the notebook were everything happens.

All the brainstorming and the inspiration behind every post, everything that gets published in this blog has made its way through that notebook. 
This notebook is filled with ideas and future plans and anything related to the blog.

The list-book

Yes, I have a notebook full of lists.

That is because when I feel a bit overwhelmed and I don’t know what my purpose is, it makes me feel a lot better writing down everything I want to accomplish in my life and all the goals I have, so when life gets a bit too much I can read my lists and re-center.

This notebook is also filled with list like my monthly to-dos and my budget lists, any recipes I want to try, any travel plans and destination I want to follow, quotes to live by and inspirational words from people all over the world. 
It helps my soul when I feel down and it keeps my thoughts together.

The journal

Now this is a more personal book. 

Here's were I get to write my deeper thoughts and feelings, my goals and my resolutions as well as what habits I want to have and how I can incorporate them in my every day to make my life healthier mentally and physically.

Hope this gave you some ideas to start making your own notebooks and planners. 
If you do try any of them, please send me some pics and tag me on Twitter// it’s always interesting to see what you guys recreate. 
Don’t forget to have fun and decorate your notebooks and your lists and make them look nice and cute. 
I swear to you, drawing, decorating and overall making the lists is so therapeutic for me and I think apart from organising my life this is one of the biggest reasons why I keep making them.

What’s your favourite way of keeping your life organised?// Do you keep a planer or a journal?

Where else you can find me

twitter- KateAn @KateAn_KateAn
facebook- KateAn @Kate.An.Kate.An
instagram- KateAn @An_Kate_An


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