...My Autumn To Do List...

So today, as you probably already have figured out by the title, I thought of doing something a little bit different... Usually, this time of year I start thinking about my life, my goals and is the time where I feel I need to make some changes in my life, focus on different things and try to get out of any rut that I have been stuck in.
So, as expected, this is the time when I start to get my books out and make, surprise surprise, lists. Now, I am not some kind of a perv but hey, I like to see what other people are doing (and eating/drinking/talking to etc). And some of my favorite posts are lists of people and plans of what they want to do, so I thought ya know what, I'm gonna share mine with you. Some of the things listed I have started doing already and some are on the "pending" list.

·      Have more walks in nature
·      Read books 
·      Exercise more 
·      Visit my family 
·      See a firework show
·      Carve a pumpkin for Halloween
·      Cook more
·      See a firework show
·      Carve a pumpkin for Halloween
·      Spend more time with my friends and loved ones
·      Get more flowers for the flat
·      Redecorate the house

These are just some of mine, what have you got planned//what's on your list?


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