...A Day In London...

Hello again,

I'm back as I promised and I have a lot of footage from my day trip to London!
I only went downtown and it was a Saturday so the city was extremely crowded and I felt really anxious, I nearly had a panic attack... nearly.
But when I left the city buz and roamed around the litttle streets of london that's when I felt more relaxed and I could really enjoy what was around me. I am definatelly going back to explore more because I saw lots of little weird shops, my kind of shops, with lots of bits and pieces inside. Also the other thing that I noticed is that London is a really creative city with gorgeous graffities everywhere and music is just around every corner either thats a street musician with an amazing voice or a little record shop with hidden music treasures in it.

As it is a big city you can obviously see anything you may ever want there from guys with parrots in the middle of a square to a random strike by the end of the road. Overal is a city with a variety of places to visit and I haven't seen even the half of it yet. I really want to explore it more because I think is a city that has a lot of stories to tell.
More updates about my journney, as usual, will come next week so keep an eye for that.

Until next time lots of love.
See you soon, Kate


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